Jeff Koehn
Original Paintings

Oil on Canvas 44x44

Oil on Canvas 48x48

Oil on Canvas 40x40

Oil on Canvas 44x44

Oil on Canvas 36x40

Acrylic on Canvas 24x36 UF Canvas Wrap

Oil on Canvas 60x24
Artists Statement:
“ In all my paintings, my goal is to establish a feeling of being caught in suspended reality. I find myself re-creating the places I have been and the sense ofwhere I was emotionally at the time, sometimes these places arephysically real and sometimes they are taken from other worlds. Whether they are stark daylight scenes or darker moodier ones,there is a contrast of emotion and a feeling that these “snapshots” are capturing on unfolding drama. This is what I hope will draw the viewer in and make them wantto become part of the story.”
Jeff Koehn received his formal art education from the Art Institute of Colorado.
He graduated with honors in December of 1995 with an Associate of Applied Sciences Degree in Visual Communications. While at the Art Institute, He received extensive training in pastel, oil and acrylic painting from world-renowned artists Doug Dawson, Lynn Kircher and Don Long.
In 1995 he was awarded first place in the national Creative “Gennie” Student Competition. His illustration work has appeared in Echo, Vox, Light and Life and The University of Denver Journal Magazine.